Our training courses for trainers: from offline coaching to online presentation.

The impact of a training course is related to the skills of the trainer. Do they fall short? Then the participants remain hungry for learning, so investing in trainers' skills is essential! With three different trainings for trainers, Obelisk pulls out all the stops to unleash the full potential of your trainers. Managing an offline training course, providing a strong online training course, giving a hands-on webinar ... All these topics are part of our know-how. Our experts listen to your issues, design a customized learning track and sharpen the arrows to increase the learning effect. Get to know our offer!

Train the trainer

Teaching a group confronts the teacher with different profiles, expectations, learning needs and styles ... And despite the diverse field of participants, he wants to bring about effective behavioral changes with one training. Not an easy task! During a solidly founded learning track, Obelisk sharpens the didactic skills of your trainers. And that can only benefit the participants' learning process!

The impact of the training courses on trainers:

  • Trainers gain greater self-insight, both into their professional strengths and potential pitfalls.
  • The knowledge of didactic working methods is expanded so that courses are smoothly adapted to their content.
  • It is clear how a varied training is built up to ensure maximum learning effect among participants.
  • Teachers succeed in building the bridge between diverse individuals in the group by starting from recognizable, difficult real-life examples.
  • Trainers are better able to deal with (difficult) questions from their audience.
  • There is a greater understanding about resistance and a good view on possible solutions.

The content of the training for trainers: always customized:

The content of the training for trainers is adapted to the needs of your team. We map this out during the intake. We give you an overview of possible topics: 

  • Identify one's own strengths and weaknesses as a trainer.
  • Determine learning objectives and structure the training accordingly, with sufficient variety.
  • Recognize and apply didactic working methods .
  • Put together engaging training materials.
  • Distinguish levels of learning readiness and motivate participants internally.
  • Clearly convey training content and encourage interactivity.
  • Supervise exercises during a training in an involved manner.
  • Provide constructive feedback that participants can work with.

Train the online trainer

The trend of telecommuting is here to stay and so we noticed at Obelisk. How did we respond? All our trainers were quickly retrained as online trainers. With success! It resulted in masses of valuable expertise, which we gladly share with your organization and team members. They will master virtual skills, switch effortlessly to a digital learning environment and know exactly how to activate an audience online.

The impact of the training on the online trainer:

  • We create more awareness about the impact of online learning.
  • Teachers find that the thoughtful and didactic construction of a live online training pays off.
  • The theoretical ways of generating interactivity are effortlessly put into digital practice.
  • Specific skills allow one to provide engaged guidance to participants, even in a digital learning environment.
  • Online trainers feel more energy when they sit in front of the webcam.

Which topics are covered during the learning track?

Depending on the professional and didactic issues, we flexibly adapt our training for online trainers. A coaching of a few hours or a multi-day workshop? Improve specific skills or focus on a smooth transfer of knowledge? Anything is possible! These topics can certainly be integrated:

  • Understanding the didactics of online learning: how do adults learn in a digital learning environment? And which didactic principles do you best integrate into training?
  • Selecting the right digital, activating work methodand associated tools.
  • Recognize and apply didactic working methods .
  • Providing a well thought out structure to an online training course.
  • Technical functionalities to activate and let everyone learn at the same time: from chat function, to polls.
  • Inspiration for virtual icebreakers and energizers.
  • Creating maximum focus and attention span.
  • Interacting with participants without meeting them face-to-face.

Drafting and delivering webinars

Webinars have become an integral part of today's training offer. Fast, efficient and to be followed online from anywhere: a range of advantages! But guaranteeing maximum learning effect in just one hour is no easy task. Obelisk has specific expertise, allowing us to support the presenter in giving a webinar in which the learning effect prevails.

The impact of the training on the presenter:

  • Trainers dispose of all the building blocks to clearly convey any topic in a webinar.
  • Each presentation isconstructed in a captivating wayand continuously holds the attention.
  • The webinar is presented in a virtuallyattractive format.
  • Participants are not overwhelmed, but are presented with just the right amount of information.
  • Nerves no longer stand in the trainer's way: confidently addressing the audience becomes a piece of cake.

Organizing a webinar: this is how we guide the presenter

A presenter of a webinar takes on three different roles: author, director and actor. During our learning programs, these roles are addressed one by one, always keeping in mind their specific responsibilities:

  • The author | The content and structure of the webinar are determined, according to the target audience. How much information is provided? How does the presenter guarantee a flying start and a strong finish?
  • The Director | Visuals matter during a webinar, and a beautiful design is essential. From visual elements, to integrated interaction options (polls, action buttons ...).
  • The actor | The presenter naturally also takes place in front of the webcam. We prepare him thoroughly for this task: dealing with stress, adjusting body language, using the voice optimally ...

Throughout the learning track, Obelisk is a reliable sounding board. With thorough expertise, we advise the speaker. For example, we can analyze a sample recording or observe an exercise session. Does the webinar have a logical flow? Is the right amount of information being fired at the participants? Is the message adequately delivered? With specific recommendations, we strengthen the presenter in his roles.